Since the publication of this excellent article only a week ago, things have changed. Firstly not only has the UK's growth slowed but we officially became the slowest of all the G7 countries in Q1. Secondly the opinion polls no longer show a Tory election landslide. A week is along time in politics they say.
Working in the recruitment sector of the travel industry I think we provide an early barometer of trends to come. It's certainly not quiet and there's no sign of clients "battoning down the hatches" but there's definitely an element of caution. Perhaps a 3rd stage interview when previously a decision would be made after 2 stages.
Personally I don't think this is a bad thing, as long as decisions are being made. The election is certainly the next big event on the horizon and if you are sick of all the speculating and "noise" in the media, then brace yourself for two full years of this in the run up to the final Brexit date.
Remaining positive about this gargantuan event, I take heed from the fact that at least we know its coming. The SARS, Bird Flu, Ash Cloud, Financial meltdown in 2008, increasing terrorism incidents all the other issues that the travel industry had to face all arrived with no notice at all.
You can only admire the resilience and adaptability of the travel industry.
The UK economic performance has, cooled considerably in the first three months of 2017. With economists warning that the Brexit slowdown has begun, Britain’s economic growth has more than halved to its lowest rate since the EU referendum last summer. While the economy had appeared to shrug off the shock of the Brexit vote last June and, indeed, had surprised economists and commentators with its resilience; a resilience that had seen growth rates of 0.5% in the third quarter of 2016 and 0.7% in the final quarter, it is now apparent that higher inflation has started to squeeze consumer’s disposable incomes. There was a sharp slowdown in growth to 0.3% between January and March, it’s weakest performance since the first quarter of 2016, where it grew by 0.2%, and a sharp decline from the 0.7% growth of the previous quarter